People affected in any way by FASD will benefit from community support. People affected include but are not limited to individuals with FASD, families and other caregivers for people with FASD and women with addiction issues who are or may become pregnant.
Effective services are in existence and being developed throughout all of Ontario as knowledge of FASD grows. Most are listed in the database from the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse that is detailed below. This is updated regularly and may be obtained in print from the centre. It currently lists 44 different programs.
Best Start is a key program of the Ontario Prevention Clearinghouse (OPC) and is funded by the Government of Ontario. It is a member of the Ontario Health Promotion Resource System. Ms. Wendy Bourgoyne, Health Promotion Consultant, 1-800-397-9567, Press 3 (toll-free in ON)
Breaking the Cycle is a prevention and intervention project designed to reduce risk and enhance the development of substance-exposed children (pre-natal to 6 years) by addressing maternal addiction problems and mother-child relationships. Ms. Margaret Leslie, Director, Early Intervention Programs, Toronto, ON, (416)-364-7373 (Ext. 204)
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse is a service that aims to be a focal point for Canadian practitioners who are addressing FASD. It provides recent, accurate information on the important and complex issue of substance use and pregnancy. Information on support and intervention programs in any part of Ontario (or Canada) can be obtained by: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Telephone: 1- 800-559-4514 or Internet: is the specific page within the main CCSA website with links to databases of use to those dealing with FASD.
CAPC/CPNP Healthy Child Development Programs The Community Action Plan for Children and the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Programs are a network of programs delivered throughout Ontario (and Canada) by the Public Health Agency of Canada. (PHAC). FASD is addressed in many CAPC and CPNP programs. For more information in Ontario contact Donna De Filippis, Program Consultant (416) 954-9754 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For Ontario's aboriginal-specific programs contact Marilyn Pettis-Junnila, (807)684-1920 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Diagnosis in Ontario is limited but growing significantly at the present time. Consult the Directory of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Information and Support Services in Canada to inquire about diagnostic clinics/service in your area of Ontario. This is available on the website of The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse website: (Topics>Populations>Introduction to FASD) or at:
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FASlink Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Information, Support & Communications Link. Information and support for individuals, families and professionals who are working with and caring for those affected by prenatal alcohol exposure. FASlink Home Page serves more than 400,000 people per year in addition to countless online searches of more than 100,000 FASD related documents in the FASlink Archives. Mr. Bruce Ritchie moderates this internet service and can be reached at (519)-869-8026, or by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This website is extensive and multi-faceted and can be accessed at
The Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC) is a provincial Aboriginal organization representing the collective interests of twenty-seven member Friendship Centres located in towns and cities throughout the province. The OFIFC administers a number of programs , which are delivered by local Friendship Centres in areas such as health, justice, family support, and employment and training. Online: