FASD and the justice system
Science and diagnosis of FASD
Effects of FASD
Recognizing FASD
TES Neurological Diagnostic Wheel
Indigenous Issues
Criminal Justice
Investigation stage
Arrest stage
Court – Bail and pre-trial
Court – Trial
Diversion and specialized courts
Indigenous Issues
5 key impacts of FASD
10 tips for FASD-informed work
Multiple and concurrent challenges
Strategies for change in policing practice
Indigenous issues
Community Support
Indigenous Issues
Civil Justice
Child Welfare
Identifying Behaviours Associated with FASD
FASD Assessment
Behaviour Management
Community Support
Indigenous issues
Youth Justice System
Extrajudicial Measures
Right to counsel & Parental involvement
Indigenous Peoples
Access to service delivery
Disparity in FASD
Canada's response
Increase in prevalence
The role of stigma
Case Study
Case Law
Assessment to Determine FASD
Dangerous - Long Term Offender Designation
Adult Sentencing
Youth Sentencing
Not Criminally Responsible
Unfit to Stand Trial
Witnesses - Victims
Others (Bail, Mens Rea, etc.)
Child Welfare - Custody, Adoption, etc.
Child with FASD
Parent with FASD
Summary of Legal Literature
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Case Law
Child Welfare - Custody, Adoption, etc.
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Custody - Child With FASD
Below is a list of cases:
Alberta - Alberta (Director of Child Welfare) v. AC 2000 APBC 195
Alberta - Alberta (Director of Child Welfare) v. CR, 2003 ABPC 127 (PC)
Alberta - Alberta v. TL, 2010 ABPC 43
Alberta - BW v MW, [1998] AJ No 1566
Alberta - FM v SS, 2010 ABQB 195
Alberta - GTR v DAB (1998) 222 AR 84 (PC)
Alberta - K.R.W. v. S.L.M., 2013 NBQB 247 (Morrison J.)
Alberta - Rabbit v. Alberta [1981] AJ No 793 (QB)
Alberta - RE ADM, [1989] AJ No 860
Alberta - Re BG [1996] AJ No 780
Alberta - Re J.M., 2013 ABPC 291 (D’Souza J.)
Alberta - Re JNDW (1990), 104 AR 48 (PC)
Alberta - Re KAAM, 2002 ABPC 67 (Lipton J.)
Alberta - Re KMW (1993), 143 AR 374
Alberta - Re LS, 2007 ABPC 274
Alberta - Re SJH, 2003 ABPC 208
Alberta - Re T.F., 2012 ABPC 5 (Lipton J.)
Alberta - Re TF, 2012 ABPC 5
Alberta - Re TL, 2000 ABPC 14
Alberta - SG v. Alberta (Director of Child Welfare), 2002 ABQB 1062, 2003 ABQB 1047
Alberta - SM v. Alberta, 2008 ABPC 101
British Columbia - Alec v. Peters, [1997] BCJ No. 2603, 1997 CanLII 1391 (SC)
British Columbia - AS v BC (Director of Child, Family and Community Service), 2003 BCSC 54
British Columbia - BC (Director of Child, Family and Community Services) v. LSN, 2008 BCPC 402
British Columbia - BC (Director of Family and Child Services) v AH, 2001 BCPC 270
British Columbia - BC (Director of Family and Child Services) v CD, 2002 BCPC 462
British Columbia - BC (Director of Family and Child Services) v JN, 2000 BCPC 98
British Columbia - BC (Superintendent of Family and Child Service) v DS (1983) 47 BCLR 324, 1983 CanLII 517 (SC); (1985) 63 BCLR 104, 1985 CanLII 452
British Columbia - BC (Superintendent of Family and Child Service) v. CJ [1994] BCJ No 1952
British Columbia - British Columbia (Child, Family and Community Service) v S.H., 2020 BCPC 82 (CanLII) (Whyte J.)
British Columbia - British Columbia (Director of Child, Family and Community Services) v B.(K.), 2000 BCPC 144 (CanLII) (Gedye J.)
British Columbia - British Columbia (Director of Family and Child Services) v N.(J.), 2000 BCPC 98 (CanLII) (Stansfield J.)
British Columbia - British Columbia (Director of Family and Child Services) v N.(J.), 2000 BCPC 98 (CanLII) (Stansfield J.)
British Columbia - Director v D.G., 2017 BCPC 139 (CanLII) (Gaffar J.)
British Columbia - Director v K.B.W. and K.E.A., 2015 BCPC 14 (CanLII) (MacCarthy J.)
British Columbia - Director v M.M.M. et al, 2017 BCPC 411 (CanLII) (Doulis J.)
British Columbia - Director v S.M. and S.D., 2015 BCPC 329 (CanLII) (Merrick J.)
British Columbia - E.D.M.E. v J.E.H., 2012 BCPC 549 (CanLII) (Rounthwaite J.)
British Columbia - JM v British Columbia (Director of Child, Family and Community Service), 2004 BCPC 562
British Columbia - JT v BC (Superintendent of Family and Child Service) 1994 BCJ No 3109 (PC)
British Columbia - MK (Re), [1998] BCJ No 2984 (Rae J.)
British Columbia - NM v JM, [1999] BCJ No 1652 (PC)
British Columbia - R.P. v British Columbia (Director of Child, Family and Community Services), 2015 BCSC 2302 (CanLII) (Ball J.)
British Columbia - Re RS, [1999] BCJ No 2957 (PC) (Rae J.)
British Columbia - Re RSB, [1994] BCJ No. 419 (PC)
British Columbia - RG v AP, [1999] BCJ No 1655
Child and Family Services for York Region v JV and NB, 2017 ONSC 4770
Children’s Aid Society (Ottawa) v SL and MB, 2017 ONSC 7019 (Desormeau J)
Manitoba - Cree Nation Child and Family Caring Agency v. R.L., 2013 MBQB 267 (Hatch J.)
Manitoba - Director of CFS v A.J.K., K.K. and J.C., 2005 MBQB 51 (CanLII) (Simonsen J.)
Manitoba - Manitoba (Director of Child and Family Services) v. MPS [1993] MJ No 78 (PC)
Manitoba - Metis Child, Family and Community Services v RLL 2007 MBQB 198
Manitoba - Northwest Child and Family Services Agency v. LAC (1988) Man R (2d) 146
Manitoba - Winnipeg (Director of Child and Family Services) v AJK 2005 MBQB 51
Manitoba - Winnipeg Child and Family Services v. ZDV, [2000] MJ No 77 (QB)
Manitoba: Métis Child, Family and Community Services v R.L.L. and M.F.W., 2007 MBQB 198 (CanLII) (Rivoalen J.)
New Brunswick - NB (Minister of Health and Community Services) v WL (1995) 169 NBR (2d) 81 (QB)
Newfoundland and Labrador - Newfoundland (Director of child, Youth and Family Services, St. John’s Region) v. TL (2001) 199 Nfld. & PEIR 78, 2001 CanLII 37594 (SC)
Newfoundland and Labrador - Newfoundland and Labrador (Child, Youth and Family Services, Director) v. CT 2010 NLTD(F) 19
Newfoundland and Labrador - Newfoundland and Labrador (Director of Child,Youth and Family Services Health and Community Services Board – St. John’s Region) v. JLB, 2008 NLUFC 35
Nova Scotia - Children’s Aid Society of Halifax v. AM (1986) 76 NSR (2d) 18 (Fam Ct)
Nova Scotia - DRL v. LAE, 2007 NSSC 195
Nova Scotia - ES v. Children’s Aid Society of Cape Breton-Victoria 2006 NSSC 303
Nova Scotia - Nova Scotia (Minister of Community Services) v. GM, 2012 NSFC 1
Nova Scotia - Nova Scotia (Minister of Community Services) v. MJ, [1988] NSJ No. 546 (Fam Ct)
Nova Scotia - Nova Scotia (Minister of Community Services) v. NL, 2010 NSSC 328
Ontario - A & B v [ ] Society (CFSA s 144), 2011 CFSRB 5 (CanLII) (Scott)
Ontario - C.E. and T.M. v CAS of Toronto (CFSA s 144), 2007 CFSRB 72 (CanLII) (Gonda)
Ontario - Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto v SB, [1998] OJ No 6464 (CJ) (Jones J.)
Ontario - Children’s Aid Society (Ottawa) v S.L. and M.B., 2017 ONSC 7019 (CanLII) (Desormeau J.)
Ontario - Children’s Aid Society of Haldimand and Norfolk v JAM, 2011 ONCJ 53
Ontario - Children’s Aid Society of London and Middlesex (Re), 2010 ONSC 1348
Ontario - Children’s Aid Society of London and Middlesex (Re), 2010 ONSC 1348 (CanLII) (Campbell J.)
Ontario - Children’s Aid Society of London and Middlesex v N.H., 2018 ONSC 1582 (CanLII) (Mitrow J.)
Ontario - Children’s Aid Society of Nipissing and Parry Sound v. SP, 2009 ONCJ 219
Ontario - Children’s Aid Society of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo v. KR, 2009 ONCJ 684
Ontario - Children’s Aid Society of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo v. LJAA, 2009 ONCJ 226
Ontario - Children’s Aid Society of Toronto v E.S., 2013 ONCA 77 (CanLII) (Goudge J., Epstein J., Tulloch J.)
Ontario - D.S. v Youthdale Treatment Centres (CFSA s 124), 2013 CFSRB 69 (CanLII) (Spekkens)
Ontario - G.M. v F&CS Niagara (CFSA s 68), 2008 CFSRB 45 (CanLII) (Wong)
Ontario - J.T. v Tikanagan Child and Family Services (the “Society”) (CFSA s 61), 2011 CFSRB 47, 2011 CFSRB 51 (CanLII) (Gonda)
Ontario - K.D. v Youthdale Treatment Centres (CFSA s 124), 2009 CFSRB 35 (CanLII) (Schedlich)
Ontario - K.R. v Dilico Child and Family Services (CFSA s 68), 2009 CFSRB (CanLII) (Price)
Ontario - Kawartha- Haliburton Children’s Aid Society v DC [2001] OJ No 3395, 2001 CanLII 32726 (SC)
Ontario - Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society v C.(D.), [2001] OJ No 3395 (QL), 2001 CanLII 32726 (ONSC) (Olah J.)
Ontario - L.G. & A.G. v CAS of Nipissing and Parry Sound (CFSA s 61), 2008 CFSRB 104 (CanLII) (Schedlich)
Ontario - N.K. v Youthdale Treatment Centres (CFSA s 124), 2008 CFSRB 42 (CanLII) (Butler)
Ontario - PD and DD v Children’s Aid Society of the District of Thunder Bay, 2019 CFSRB 67 (CanLII) (Bickley)
Ontario - Tikanye v. Anishinaabe Abinooji Family Services, 2007 ONCJ 623 (McKay J.)
Ontario - Tikinagan Child and Family Services v. RT, 2009 ONCJ 493
Prince Edward Island - PEI (Director of Child Welfare) v. CL, 2007 PESCTD 13
Saskatchewan - Re ANP, 2002 SKQB 472
Saskatchewan - Re DM, [1994] SJ No 235 (PC)
Saskatchewan - Re Eli, 2008 SKQB 302
Saskatchewan - Re S, [1990] SJ No. 635
Saskatchewan - Saskatchewan (Department of Community Resources) v. Greenleaf, 2007 SKQB 215
Saskatchewan - SV (Re), 2002 SKQB 499
TMW v FFB, 2017 BCPC 440 (Doulis J)
Yukon - TLRB (Re), [1995] YJ No 94 (TC) (Faulkner J.); TLB (Re), [1996] YJ No 145
FASD and the justice system
Science and diagnosis of FASD
Effects of FASD
Recognizing FASD
TES Neurological Diagnostic Wheel
Indigenous Issues
Criminal Justice
Investigation stage
Arrest stage
Court – Bail and pre-trial
Court – Trial
Diversion and specialized courts
Indigenous Issues
5 key impacts of FASD
10 tips for FASD-informed work
Multiple and concurrent challenges
Strategies for change in policing practice
Indigenous issues
Community Support
Indigenous Issues
Civil Justice
Child Welfare
Identifying Behaviours Associated with FASD
FASD Assessment
Behaviour Management
Community Support
Indigenous issues
Youth Justice System
Extrajudicial Measures
Right to counsel & Parental involvement
Indigenous Peoples
Access to service delivery
Disparity in FASD
Canada's response
Increase in prevalence
The role of stigma
Case Study
Case Law
Assessment to Determine FASD
Dangerous - Long Term Offender Designation
Adult Sentencing
Youth Sentencing
Not Criminally Responsible
Unfit to Stand Trial
Witnesses - Victims
Others (Bail, Mens Rea, etc.)
Child Welfare - Custody, Adoption, etc.
Child with FASD
Parent with FASD
Summary of Legal Literature
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Reference List
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